Chicago 2008

Chicago 2008
Ameriprise National Conference

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A 25th Anniversary of our First Date Retracing the Steps

Rob is the romantic one who always thinks of these great ideas.  It was his idea to go back to the place of our first date back in 1986.  Interestingly enough, I wasn't into flower gardening at that time, but made up for that later.

We retraced the steps of our first date from 25 years ago today at the SF Conservatory of Flowers and had a lovely time. It was our 23rd wedding anniversary and 25th anniversary of meeting on August 6th.

We met a nice lady who offered to take our photos while we all strolled through the gardens.  This is a very special place in Golden Gate Park.  The Conservatory was damaged by a wind storm years ago and it took a long time to raise money to have this historic building repaired.  It is a beauty!

My two photography friends Kate and Janie have inspired me to try my hand at taking photos for art pieces.  These were taken with a little camera I picked up at Costco about 1.5 years ago.  It is fun playing around with photos and the cropping of photos to bring the best out in them.
The Dahlia's are grand at this time of year.  Aren't they? I love the shape of this variety of the flower.  The two tone ones are a favorite.

The peach colored flowers are a Begonia variety as are the rose and yellow colored ones.  They are also a favorite of mine. 

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Monday, July 18, 2011

The Robinson's First Sail With Us July 2011

What an adorable couple! This is a photo in the estuary as we motor out toward the bay.

Scott is "chillin" on the pulpit seat in the aft. Looks chilly for sure. We hope we didn't scare Scott and Lisa with their first trip out on the bay with us this year. We'd love to get them back out on a day when the sun is out so they can get the true feel of the wonders of sailing.

Rob and Kate on SF Bay July 2011

I love this photo of two of my favorite people. Hey, who is at the helm if the Capt. is with Kate in this shot? Kate and Jim always behave themselves on the boat, so we ask them back often. Our neighbors look right at home on the water and at their cabin in the woods too.
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Lisa and Scott enjoy lunch on the back side of Angel Island too. Nice hat Lisa. It fit you well. Janie, was that the hat you left behind last July?  Thank you for putting together such a delicious lunch!
Here is Rob and Lisa taking in the view of the bridge.

Kate is slaving away in the Galley. Doesn't her salad look amazing? It was. That is by far the largest bowl our boat has ever seen.  The salads the ladies made on this day were scrumptious and healthy!
For once these pilots could take a break from being at the wheel. We are delighted that folks didn't get seasick despite them not having had much sail boating experience on the bay. Thanks Lisa for making such a delicious lunch for us!
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Who is on the bow?

We managed to get Lisa and Scott out on the Bay with Kate and Jim this July. The weather was chilly and foggy, but the winds were calm for the most part. Lisa and Kate made and brought us a fabulous lunch.
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